The sea came to you Mum .....

Created by Amandaleepritchard 3 years ago

You may have wondered about the photo shown during mum’s service of her feet in a bowl ......

I remember Mum loved swimming in the sea when we were all younger and I always felt sad that she could no longer get down to the sea during our holidays to Eastbourne/Bexhill.

Then I had an idea which I put into action on our next holiday!

It was a lovely warm day at Bexhill and I got Mum comfortable on her deckchair and said ‘close your eyes’ .....

I went down to the sea and filled a bowl up with sea water and put pebbles in.  I then made my way back to Mum and said ‘open your eyes ...... the sea has come to you!’

The water was lovely and warm on Mum’s feet and this became one of our little holiday rituals.

I wanted to share this story with you.

Love Amanda


